Sunday, March 18, 2018

"Can GMO's Help End World Hunger?"

The article I have provided is written by John Robbins of the Huff Post who emphasized his point of view on GMO's and the benefits that come along with them. He begins with an example of "golden rice" which was originally written from Time magazine. Golden rice is GM rice that has different viruses and daffodil's inserted into its genetic function. This new breed of rice actually brings some benefits to the table. With the daffodil gene's in it, it helps produce beta-carotene which the body translates into Vitamin A. Why is this so important? Well, vitamin A is an important role in developing children. Nearly a million children die every year due to the lack of vitamin A and nearly another 350,000 go blind from it. Just by eating this GM rice, you can prevent millions of deaths among children. See the effect just one small grain of rice could do? However, many different anti-science activists are holding these life-changing products back from saving lives. The reason is because it is just not something you can easily grow. Food is a natural product we should grow and harvest, not combine with and humanely create in a lab. I can see why many may be against this such process, but you got to look at the effects it can have on the world. What do you guys think? Should GMO's be completely removed from food? Should they be more involved? Do you think it is right to help save lives or just stay natural with our foods?

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