Wednesday, March 21, 2018

  The way that factory farmed producers treat our animals we consume is for the least, i humane.  We shouldn't feel bad because we eat these animals who are being mistreated, we should feel bad and want change because these are real breathing creatures, that usually never get to raise their family. people genetically modify these animals making them extra fat, for their own entertainment. Why is this being accepted, why aren't we outraged ? is it beccausse people don't know about it, if you knew about this years prior would you have done something a long time ago ? what is the cure, what can we do to change how our animals we eat are raised and cared for? Should we completely eliminate animal consumption? The bad treatment of these animals go so far from what you can imagine. These animals are often given so little space that they can’t even turn around or lie down comfortably. Egg-laying hens are kept in small cages, chickens and pigs are kept in jam-packed sheds, and cows are kept on crowded, filthy feedlots. Like i mentioned before the Antibiotics are used to make animals grow faster and to keep them alive in the unsanitary conditions. Factory farms’ widespread use of antibiotics can lead to antibiotic-resistant bacteria that threaten human health.  At the slaughterhouse, those who survived the transport will have their throats slit, often while they’re still conscious. Many remain conscious when they’re plunged into the scalding hot water of the defeathering or hair removal tanks or while their bodies are being skinned or hacked apart. How badly these animals are treated is enough, it will be enough for reform, if we bring more people aware of this there can be a different upbringing for these animals.

 Faith Shape

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