Wednesday, March 21, 2018

The Health Cost of Soul Food

Soul food has grown to be a popular food adapting from African American culture. Since then, many people have eaten this type of food; however, recent studies show that soul food is beginning to effect how people eat and also their health and well-being. In the article, "The Health Cost of Soul Food" by Geneva M. Edwards, the idea that soul food has contributed to many health issues having to do with those who consume this type of food. Typically soul food includes ingredients that are high in sodium and grease. With that being said, this type of food also seems to influence the issue of obesity in America. Obesity has been  a long time problem typically for Americans and it is important that we take care of ourselves and eat food that is good for our bodies to digest. According to the article, African Americans are at higher risk for developing heart problems and or being diagnosed with obesity. Edwards main purpose of this article is to let people know that certain measures need to be taken in order to fix this issue that is putting African Americans at a higher risk. Another group that is at risk is Mexican Americans. As a whole, both groups are extremely into their own culture of food however the food seems to be very threatening to these racial groups' health. How do we fix this? Try to come up with more recipes that promote food that is not only tasty but also healthier.

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