Tuesday, March 20, 2018

PoF Blogging- First Course

Title: "What a Waste" (magazine)

       This magazine article that I read explained how the amount of food we waste mostly comes from supermarkets and restaurants. You would think that supermarkets would waste food by throwing away what they didn't sell but how they waste food is by rejecting the produce that is given to them by the farmers that take the time to grow/harvest the fruit and vegetables. What I learned from this article was that supermarkets reject the produce because it is ugly, not the right color, or correct size. Personally, I found this sad because we expect everything to be so perfect and just because a banana isn't completely yellow or too small it gets thrown away, meanwhile there is a homeless person who hasn't eaten in two days, standing outside begging for food. It is somewhat unfair not only to homeless people but to the farmers that have taken the time,effort, and money to grow this fruit. There are many negatives to the subject of food waste and this is just a little part of it. In the article the author also mentions, why can't supermarkets or restaurants donate the food they don't use or need? One of the reasons to this is because it takes even more work and time to bag up the food. Another point made is how the global fishery will decline in the next 30 years because once again the fish that is caught is not the right size or color or because us consumers will order or cook a fish and not finish it or save it for later on. This article helped me understand the cause of food waste which leads to my question of the affects.


  1. Hi Juliet, your blog was very interesting and I am very shocked that the supermarkets waste by rejecting food that is not perfect. I thought they wasted food by throwing the ones that did not sell just like how you explained. This is sad how our society has come to a point where they expect every little thing needs to be perfect. They set a standard where if it does not look appealing it is not worth to be sold even though that is how they are supposed to look like. All this wasted food could have plenty of purpose especially how you stated that it could feed homeless people.

  2. Thank you so much for this. This article could be of some use to my paper. I agree with your statement about how we expect better from markets when it comes to the food they're selling or choosing to stop selling. I feel like corporations that do handle so much food on a daily basis should be more responsible when it comes to getting that food out of their stores. I've actually spoken to a man at the market about that banana ordeal and even he seemed disappointed in what he was doing but he had no choice seeing that it was his job. I just hope this can be stopped in the future so that food isn't wasted as much as it is today.

  3. Hello Juliet, I am surprised by this fact of how food is really wasted. Like you, I also thought the majority of food waste was because of the left over or expired food from supermarkets and restaurants. I am shocked that supermarkets turn away food simply because of their appearance. No matter what, it is still food. Although they argue that packaging unsatisfying food is too much work, it can be a potential job for people. It is important to have food efficiency in order to feed everyone. Wasting food this way is not efficient at all.
