While researching the topic of obesity I have found ,“The Experts: What Role Should Government Play in Combating Obesity?”, by the Wall Street Journal, to be very helpful. This article shows opinions, ideas, as well as solutions for the obesity epidemic in America today. I found this article and many others on http://portal.bigchalk.com/portalweb/login.do .Various experts state what they believe the government should do to promote healthy habits. Liz Feld talks about how “awareness is key”, and the role the government can play in sharing the dangers in eating many popular foods, which I am centering my research paper around. A topic that all these experts have in common is awareness. Many people don’t stop to think about the impact junk foods have to their body. I know that I was one of these people, and still is, but now that I know this information I can start to make more conscious healthy decisions. An example that was used in this article was Oreo's. Nabisco is slowly using less and less grams of sugar to make the Oreo, but they can’t make the changes all at once. They are easing people into the taste change so that they don’t wonder why the cookie isn’t how it once was. I think this is a good start and that many companies should do the same with lowering the sugar being used in their products. It’s a small step, and there is still much more change that needs to happen in the food industry, but Nabisco is moving in the right direction.
Hey Rachel! I agree on what you think about companies lowering sugars in their products because yes, it does serve as an enemy for your body. I believe that I as well need to take healthier precautions and I could also stop and ask myself what should I do to take initiative to those around me who feels the same way. This is a great topic that you are trying to research Rachel!