Thursday, November 16, 2017

Is Leaving Home More Beneficial Than It Is Hard?

I know this question is kind of hard to answer because we all don't have personal experience with this yet, but I figured might as well (because I can't think of any other question that hasn't already been asked). I know everyone says, including me, that moving away for college and living without parents holding your hand in the same house, it forces upon you a sort of "time to grow up" kind of life experience. While it is undoubtedly true that that is the case, we can all also agree it isn't a slow process, it is pretty much dropping you straight into living on you own (minus roommates). So my question for you all is, is being dropped into solo living have more pros than it does cons, or is it going to be just more stress on your shoulders than college already is?

1 comment:

  1. Of course Jimwell I don't have the exact answer to your problem because I haven't experienced it yet, but I think being on your own mostly has pros. You get to experience being independent and having control in what you do in your household. Yes it is probably a slow process but once you get the hang of things you'll realize that leaving home will be beneficial
