Friday, December 15, 2017

Can Trolling Really Be Rid of?

We have read all these stories and seen examples of how trolling has come to effect people, but ignoring or pretending the trolls aren't there doesn't seem like enough to get rid of the problem. Sure, the anonymity behind trolling only makes it more easier for it to be done, but getting rid of anonymity doesn't exactly help either. People wouldn't be obligated to reveal their identities all the time as most would think if we got rid of anonymity because they would use fake names to post comments, articles, or papers expressing hate to show opposition towards something. One example of this is YouTube because YouTube gives people the option to use their own names or use a username for their accounts and we still see arguments started between people in comment sections of videos regardless of the accounts being used. In other cases, banning or blocking people, as many social media companies have proposed, doesn't work because people just make new accounts to continue doing the same trolling acts they always do. No matter the situation, trolls seem like they'll always find a way to harass people because of differing opinions or just for the sake of sending mean messages, so how can the problem be solved exactly? With net neutrality being recently ruled out, perhaps trolls will be limited to the websites their internet providers give them access to. Overall, tell me what you think some solutions to trolling there might me besides the ones that have been thought of, if there are any.

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