Thursday, December 7, 2017

The Effect of Trolling

      Trolls online take a wide scope of classifications.  Some people see them as pranksters and others see them as online harassers. Trolls use their anonymity to their advantage by expressing themselves online and sometimes use it for evil reasons. For instance, some use the internet to send dangerous threats online.  Because they are doing it online and they may be anonymous, they assume the meaning of the message is watered down. However, to the person that receives the hateful message, the attack can be harmful.  Some receivers take extreme measures and others simply shrug off the harmful words and delete the application from which the hate comes through. Although deleting messages or the app stops the influx of hate, does this really work?  If you delete hate messages from trolls, how would you deal with the hate other people inflict on you outside of the app such as at school or in other public places?

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