Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. This childhood rhyme is meant to teach children that they shouldn't let words hurt them. Even though words do hurt, and can feel as though someone is throwing sticks and stones at them, don't let the trolling leave you with lasting pain. As we grow up it seems that some people have forgotten that words have the power to influence a person's thoughts and can change the way they feel about themselves. When trolls post online I assume they feel brave, knowing that they are anonymous. Although there are positives to anonymity, there is also major negatives for instance, trolling. The fact that the victim doesn't know who their tormentor is can leave them wondering if it's someone they know. Words have a positive or negative impact on a person's life, leaving a long term effect on how they feel about themselves as well as how they treat others. For example, when a troll calls their target stupid this can leave them feeling as though they are not good enough. Preventing them from accomplishing their goals because their self-esteem may have lowered. However, when you take the time out of your day to compliment someone your words have the power to make someones day, or even change the way they view themselves. When we are online we must think of others feelings, because you never know what a person maybe going through. We must remember that "what we say affects the world we live in" (Lindy West).
I couldn't agree more. There are so many pros to anonymity, and it just sucks that people like trolls are ruining it for us. If only there was a way to get rid of them all. Or even better, if only they could realize the effects of their comments and maybe think twice the next time they want to say something anonymously. One never knows what a person is going through, and maybe that one nasty comment is the last straw before they break. It'd be nice if the internet could be filled with positivity and compliments rather than hate. Lastly, I think it is very unfortunate how easy it is for trolls to say rude things and get away with it.