Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Dealing With Trolls

We all know trolls are easily found in almost all parts of the internet whether it's social media, sites where you watch videos, blogs, or forums.They usually tend to attack others based on personal beliefs, ideas, or other attributes in order to make their targets feel bad about themselves and, at times, receive some sort of satisfaction from it. From my perspective, avoiding confrontation with a troll or trolls is probably one of the most effective ways to deal with the issue, rather than waiting for websites and social media apps to delete hateful comments or add a blocking feature. As I mentioned above, trolls are everywhere on the internet and are not easily contained even by the moderation of different message boards. By avoiding them and the attacks you see them make, they don't get the satisfaction they would get from you responding to their words and you would be proving that those words meaning nothing to you at all. This way, you would still be able to use the internet for whichever purpose you have without bothering to waste time reading the hateful things trolls have to say and you know aren't true. Though, when it comes to spam of images it may be trickier to avoid trolls, so it might be up to you to re figure out a way to block or report the person to have them stop. Otherwise, I don't know what else could be done in the situation that you're spammed with messages, so my question is how do you deal with trolls and the spam they send?


  1. Hello Kris,
    I always feel as if you should ignore a person when they are hurting or annoying you in any type of way because I feel like they just want attention or for any other reason they seem to have which is somewhat similar to what you said. There should be ways to block someone from sending you spam but sadly you'd probably have to make a new account if it gets that serious because those in charge of the app you are using seem to only be able to remove the account, not get ahold of the person behind the screen and ask why they are sending spam or posting hurtful things towards others. In my opinion, I don't think we will solve this problem for awhile but the best thing we could do is think of more ideas or wait until someone else solves it for us.

  2. Hello Kris,
    It's easy for online trolls to post or send hurtful spam to people because they are unable to physically see the pain that it causes. They hide behind a computer screen, satisfied with the turmoil that they have caused. I think that it's best to just ignore online trolls because they usually are doing it out of attention, jealousy or spite. In reality, there's nothing in present time that we can do to stop online trolls, but for starters you can block them from sending you spam or anything offensive. Like I said before, it's best to just ignore them so they don't gain any satisfaction from hurting you.
    -Hannah Kearney

  3. I agree with what Juliet was saying most troll only say hurtful and mean things to get a reaction; therefore, I would just ignore them. I personally think that trolls are cowards, because they hide behind computer monitors or a screen. Although if you still feel attacked the next best thing would be to block that person or notify the social media website about the issue.

  4. To answer your questions, I feel that it depends on what is being said by the troll. I personally think that a troll is someone who hides behind the computer screen and creates an online identity other than a personal identity. Why do they do it? I find it very unnecessary because trolling makes a person look like they have some sort of insecurities with themselves. Then again, there's plenty of different situations that may happen. Honestly, I wish the world could figure out this issue as soon as possible, but it will take some time. Maybe we need to have more regulations on the internet if that makes the trolling issue any better. People who hide behind the screen need to learn that the words the say are being said to a human being who has feeling and emotions just like them. Its time for the world to make certain changes and take a stand against trolls spreading negativity in others' lives.
