Saturday, December 16, 2017

The Internet

The Internet is a rapidly growing web of information that more and more people are using. The Internet's rise has given voice to millions and millions of people. But you can communicate with millions at the push of a button on the internet. Anonymous websites like Reddit allow people to voice their opinions with little fear of their true identities being revealed. This is seen as a blessing more many and a curse for others. For those unfamiliar with the internet and even those who are, anonymity is a scary and unsettling thought. Having the ability to be anonymous online would protect the identity of the trolls who take advantage of the internet.The idea that millions of people can have can talk unfiltered without any accountability is both astounding and frightening.The lines between good and bad are blurred on anonymous websites, which makes investigations for crimes online difficult. Courts are finding it harder and harder to deal with cases against anonymous users. So my question is, what are the pros and cons of anonymous websites and how can the courts deal with crimes that are committed on them?

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