Friday, December 8, 2017

Trigger Fingers turn to Twitter Fingers

Trolls are people that have nothing better to do and are bored with their own lives so they enjoy making other people feel  miserable and look disfunctional. Ever since the internet was developed trolling became really popular because they could be anonymous. There was no emotional connection face to face when confronting behind a screen so people will say whatever they want with no remorse. They try to act bold but yet remain anonymous because no one will know who they are. I have actually experienced trolling today. Something happened but it was a rather miscommunication and they took it to the heart. Something that was so small, just a fragment and they wanted to turn it into a bigger situation that really could have been avoided. It’s actually hilarious because they think they’re being so bold but in reality they look ridiculous and cowardly because they won’t confront me instead. They rather hide behind a screen and act petty. Consequently, I’m not affected from it because the situation was never that serious to begin with. So I’m shrugging it off and moving on with my day, for it is a waste of valuable time and energy. Usually I would confront the situation, however, considering the circumstances it’s not worth it. People control the way that they feel and I can only control what I can control so if that’s how they want to act and be affended by that, then by all means act like a child. That’s on them.

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