Thursday, December 7, 2017

Internet trolls are inevitable

Internet usage is has been increasingly growing. I googled "how many internet users are there daily" and google reported 3.2 billion worldwide, when you really think about that number it's crazy. Even when you are logged on to Instagram or twitter you don't realize how many others are logged on as well at that exact moment, crazy. The purpose of the internet originated as an expressive outlet that allows you to connect with others who share something with you, whether an opinion, belief, or simply as a social media outlet. Internet usage should not be banned, but trolls should! Trolls in my opinion are those who express a negative opinion or belief suggested about another, not only are heir comments cruel and inhuman but are bringing others to a state of self-harm while gathering up a communitive hate in our lives. We are all allowed an opinion and are allowed to express our beliefs. But there are those who are radicals and racist who too expresses their opinions on there beliefs and comments on others opposing thoughts and posts. So when it comes down to it there's not much of a way to stop trolling besides blocking, reporting, and ignoring.

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